In “Mansfield Park”, Jane Austen said “We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.”
I found this quotation on the cover of Jane Austen: Journal, POTTER STYLE, 2007, Random House, China. It is so true and we so rarely attend to it, that it would be good to attend to it more often. This is especially relevant for women and regular journalling will assist the process. Does the same thing apply to blogging, I wonder?
Is it OK to include negativity in a blog, especially if one is writing about the past? I think it is, because one will reflect on the same incident differently according to one’s level of self development. Therefore I include a poem, here.
why not be depressed?
there is reason
he took your body
your personal space
he inserted his need
in your privacy
heaviness lay on you
like his body in the car
you couldn’t move
like a spider pinned through its flesh
but this time
you are in your kitchen
and it’s fifty years later
not only do you have major depression
but you don’t know why
overwhelmed by anguish
you can’t see the future
or even the present
and the past is horrific
Sometimes you are fortunate enough to be able to transcend your emotions. They don’t affect you so much, whether they are in the present or the past.
Progress is not always spectacular, but can be measured by these profound subtleties such as transcendence. One doesn’t feel sad even when circumstances suggest that one should. I adopted the motto: not sad just different.